When was the last time you looked backward in time at the day you got married? Whether you can measure it in months, years or decades, it is in all likelihood a sparkling waypoint in the road you have traveled from birth until now and, with God’s blessings and grace, it will continue to be just as bright for all of your years. Lest we forget, God has only part of the responsibility for keeping that shine. Marriage, as we have all heard so many times, is the hardest job you will ever have. Sometimes a joy, sometimes a burden, but it is always there, 24/7. Like any journey, it has a beginning and it has an end…sort of.
Were you the bride, standing there at the foot of the aisle, your hand lightly resting on your dad’s forearm? Whether you were the traditional bride in the beautiful white dress, standing next to your tuxedo-clad father, or in something less traditional, you waited, waited for the moment you were taking that first step into a new life. Down at the end of that walk, he waits. Did you have that moment of impatience? Did you think to yourself that you just wanted to toss that bouquet of flowers aside, tell your dad, “See you later!” and head off up the aisle, scattering a ring bearer and a flower girl in your wake? Was your secret attitude one of “let’s get this adventure started, and I mean NOW!”? You didn’t do it, of course. You walked up that pathway, traded a dad’s forearm for your love’s hand, and waited for the music to stop…stop so you could get started.
Were you the groom, standing at the altar, flanked by a friendly “best man” and maybe some others? All trussed up in a rented tuxedo, or something a little less formal, you waited. That aisle looked a mile long and you wondered just how much longer it would be until she finally started that walk. Maybe in your imagination you could see yourself racing towards each other, like two slow-motion lovers running closer and closer on the beach. You are so ready to get your old life ended and this new one started, with the one, true love of your life. Now all you need is for her to be here, by your side, and have the minister ask God to bless the two of you as you start a new life as one.
When the two of you walked out of the church door, through a shower of birdseed and cheers, did you remember to bring your Best Friend along? You know the one I mean, the one who was at that other wedding some years ago, in a little town called Cana. Being married, as mentioned up above, is a tough job. Taking on a silent partner named Jesus Christ enhances the chances…except He isn’t always so silent. Sometimes He whispers, sometimes He fairly shouts just to get your attention, depending on your needs, whether as individuals or as a couple. Don’t put Him on a shelf, just to drag Him out on Sunday mornings. Invest some time in Him every day, just a few seconds, or minutes will do. This is the kind of investment that doesn’t pay 6% interest, or even 10%. This investment pays 100%, because that is what Jesus has invested in you, 100% of Himself, planning your future, eternal happiness. Where else can you get a guaranteed return like that? And talk about a retirement plan community! When it is time for the two of you to move on to that next part of your life, He has a beautiful home all prepared, rent free, just exactly what you have been looking for and waiting for, for all of your life. When you see who’s waiting at the end of that aisle, you’ll want to race down that one as well.
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