In the past, I have written about icy roads and Roman roads. This one is going to be about those roads that are not even close to straight and narrow. I recently had an assignment to work in the area of a state where many of the roads do not have the word “straight” in their description. They are narrow however. They twisted left and right and back again. The advisory speed limit signs were pretty accurate as to the speed you want to be doing as you make the turn, and 10 MPH was not unusual. On top of the twists, there were hills and when I’d get to the top, I never knew whether it would go straight, right or left or whether there was another car coming at me from the opposite direction. These were not the roads you would want to take for a relaxing Sunday drive in the country. There were times when I wished I still had my Porsche 944 instead of my Jeep. It would have been a lot more fun.
As Christians we are advised to follow the “straight and narrow” road to get to our destination. The advice really means don’t take any side trips that may lead to some other place instead of where we want to go. But straight? I don’t have a problem with narrow, but where is the challenge in a straight road? Life is not just an easy drive from beginning to end. There are all kinds of hazards and dangers and surprises and setbacks. Sometimes life is nice and straight and easy. All too often, however, life jumps up and tosses us a sharp curve when we least expect it or maybe that blind hill, not knowing what is on the other side. That is when you need to pay attention to the guideposts that direct you how to get through it safely. Where do you find the guideposts for life? Where you will find God’s words and guidance, of course. But how about those times you run into a curve too tight to navigate? How about the hills that are really mountains? There is an old Elvis Presley song, “You Gave Me A Mountain” (on YouTube, of course) that tells us of those possibilities. When we can’t make the turn or climb the mountain, then we have to reach out our hands for help … as in lifted in prayer. God is there to help, whether the road of life is straight and easy or a driver’s nightmare.
How about the way you are driving life’s road? Are you thinking that you can do this on your own, handling the curves and hills yourself? If you don’t pay attention to the guideposts, you may well crash. On the other hand, if you are willing to accept God’s help, his assistance, then you will arrive at that final destination we all seek, an eternity in God’s presence. Are YOU willing to let God be the faithful navigator, the one who will guide you to his home?
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